Admission Procedure

    Every parent in our school is a member of the parent’s forum and can bring any matter to the attention of the parent’s council. Participation of parents in school activities is welcomed. This may be on occasion such as:
    Helping with events or celebrations
    Bringing in items of interest or books that relate to their work.
    Assisting on school trips.
    School fees are paid per term in advance. Fees for the crèche is paid either monthly in advance or quarterly in advance.
    Parents will receive school bills and bank teller of the following term fees, one or two weeks before the end of each term or month. FEES must be fully paid on or before the first day of term.

It is expected that all children would have received their routine vaccination including BCG, DPT (Diphtheria, Polio and Tetanus, Whooping cough and Measles at the appropriate time. Please let us know if your child is not vaccinated in any of the above.
Children who have infectious diseases like measles, chicken pox, conjunctivitis diarrhoea and other infectious diseases should be kept away from school till it is advised to return by the doctor.
However if a child takes ill in school suddenly the child will receive medical attention